A few days ago my roommate got a box of random electronic parts donated to him. Most of the stuff was junk, only good to salvage parts off of. But there were two items that we did find of interest. Two motherboards that seemed like they were still in pretty good condition. What if we …
Author Archives: Dan
outrageous to some; rational to others
Obama invokes ‘state secrets’ claim to dismiss suit against targeting of U.S. citizen al-Aulaqi When i first read about this, i was outraged! I thought that we had taken one of our own citizens and just decided to execute them without reason, without a trial, without a chance of self-defense. But when i read the …
Things and stuff and happenings
Last night I went to see The National play in Louisville. The show was great! What really impressed me the most was their special guest, Owen Pallett. What he can do with a violin, and a mixer is pretty awesome. After his show, I went and got two of his albums. I’ve been listening to …
Things of the day
Happy Birfday Supah Mario Brudders! — is it weird that this makes me feel kinda old? I used to love playing Mario Bros on the NES, i never beat it or really got that far in it, but i just like the music and jumping on koopa troopahs. (I know this is from yesterday, I …
A run around the Internet
I’ve been perusing the internet today, while waiting on RM stuff to get done and I’ve found some pretty neat things. In no particular order: Woven Steel Wallet! I think the idea is neat and it supposedly blocks RFID from being read. But at 75 bucks, I think it’s a bit pricey. The United States …
TFS Builds and Build Servers for TFS 2008
It seems that a lot of companies have become a fan of virtualization. I can understand why. Instead of having 5 single machines — and as such 5 sets of hardware — all doing one task, you can have one machine run 5 virtual servers running their one task. It saves space, power consumption, and …
Continue reading “TFS Builds and Build Servers for TFS 2008”
I’m not sure what’s happened to me in the last few months. Actually, that’s a lie. I do know. But I’m not really comfortable talking about it in the open. Short version is, I was kind of depressed. But I think I’m getting better, I’m starting to be interested in things again. I have desires …
funny fings i’f found on dah intarwebs
Entertaining and funny stuff break dancin’ kitteh my car is a canoe! attack of the ROFLCopters! popup kitteh lol priest lookin’ for wild womens step away from windows XP fwendship Less funny, more interesting or cool Ok, something i found that’s not really funny. Just really awing. I mean, i don’t consider myself rich. But …
your lack of faith disturbs me
i’m not really sure what happened. I used to post all the time. now it’s very intermittent. maybe it’s because i feel that i don’t have anything to write about. but now i do 🙂 I bought my ticket for Virginia today. I’ll be visiting Virginia over Memorial Day weekend, and it will be an …
Employer-Employee relations
While I might still be a youngster when it comes to working in the corporate world or knowing how management and employees are supposed to interact, I still think common sense should apply. An employee is expected to perform certain tasks for pay. When asked to take on extra responsibilities the employee is within his …